Our Story

It all started at the beginning of 2019 when I joined English Spirit Distillery as the Operations Manager. Before then my experience of Spirits was like most people & was based around what I saw in pubs or friends & acquaintances had exposed me too.

But over the last 3 years I have tasted some truly delicious Spirits & Liqueurs, helped make them from scratch, bottled & labelled them, as well as going out at weekends with a gazebo in the middle of a field selling the English Spirit range of products. I have met some wonderful people & had some interesting conversations, but above all I have seen the reactions of people when they taste something & you see that smile & look in their eyes as they taste something great. This got me thinking, could I create flavours to give that feeling too?

Knowing that everyone has different tastes I started thinking about flavours & flavour combinations & could I create something that would showcase these in a special way. So to start with we have looked at ourselves & come up with 3 Liqueurs, a Rum, a Gin & a Vodka that touch our soul & we hope they touch yours too.

We have several more ideas for the future so keep checking in to see when they appear.

In June 2024 we were awarded 4 Gold & 1 Silver Awards at the World Drinks Awards 2024. 2 Golds for our Honey & Vanilla Rum, 2 Golds for our Lemon & Lime Gin & a Silver for our Raspberry & White Chocolate Vodka.

Although our website & Social Media are important to us so that we can interact with you, we also love to meet face to face.

Therefore we will be doing Farmers Markets, Local Events, Larger Shows & lots of Summer & Christmas Fairs. So keep checking back at our Events page & come & see us.